Reg No 253243
RCN 20035280 | CHY 12217

Irish Analytical
Psychology Association

Est. 1996

Chairperson‘s Welcome

I am delighted to welcome you to the official website of the Irish Analytical Psychology Association. We are one of the seven associations that make up the psychoanalytic section of the ICP (Irish Council for Psychotherapy), though we currently do not offer Jungian training in Ireland.

We were established in Ireland in 1996 and we aim to

  • provide opportunities for continuing professional development for or our members.  In conjunction with our sister organisation Irish Society for Jungian Analysts we provide a regular programme of lectures and seminars.
  • promote information about Jungian psychology in Ireland.
  • act as an accrediting body for Jungian analysts and Jungian psychotherapists in Ireland. 

Full Membership is in line with the European Association of Psychotherapy standards; it is restricted to those with an appropriate formal training in analytical psychology.

I hope you find our website useful.

Jean FitzGerald

Carl Jung

The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances:
if there is any reaction, both are transformed.

About IAPA

The Irish Analytical Psychology Association was established in July 1996 by a small group of Jungian analysts and psychotherapists to represent and promote the understanding and development of analytical psychology in Ireland. In 1998 the IAPA was officially accepted as a Developing Group within the International Association for Analytical Psychology.

Jungian Psychology

Analytical, or Jungian Psychology is based upon the ideas of Dr. Carl Gustav Jung, a Swiss psychiatrist (1875-1961). He saw the unconscious as complementary to and communicating with consciousness, rather than as a mere repository of repressed experience. Jung believed that analysis should be a dialectical relationship between two people, working together to alleviate the client’s psychic condition through a process of discovering and integrating the unconscious aspects of the personality.